Saturday, July 7, 2012


Pastor Bill installing baseboard trim

Tommy checking to make sure his phone is charging.

He looks like he's up to something...

Now he's showing us what he has done!

Brannnon Miller working on some wall repairs.

Faithful Frank is cutting trim for the baseboards

Christy with her ingenious (?) mops. Hope they work

Frank and Tommy working together

That's me, measuring for mirrors over the sinks.

Matt and Brannon inspecting walls

Anna sanding walls.

Tommy carrying mirrors to the buildling

Bill and Tommy carrying mirrors

Mirrors, mirrors, everywhere

Tommy checking out the hardware on the furniture in the ladies' room

Here are a few more the building process begins winding down, many are working to bring it to an exciting conclusion. Saturday work days enable many to be involved who would otherwise be unable to because of their work schedules and other commitments. We are so thankful for the many faithful ones who have helped throughout this process.

1 comment:

  1. I just have to say, Anna looks JUST like me in that picture (when I was younger, of course). My mom would even say so! :)
