Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day in Rhode Island

A beautiful day dawned in Rhode Island, even a little warmth!  We started the day with greetings from Gary and Dawn and I was reminded what a blessing they are in my life and how thankful I am to God for allowing me to be their mom.

We went to church and Tommy and I had the opportunity to teach the men and ladies in Sunday School. Beacon FWB Church surely is a precious group of believers. We were excited about the number of visitors that attended to celebrate Mother's Day and pray that there will be much fruit in the future.
Fellowshipping before church

Left: Anna and Phillip Gedeon; Right: Hannah, Sarah and Michaela Reynolds talking with Mr. Warner

The crowd grew and grew.

This is the outside of their church building.
Pastor Bill greeting the moms.

After church we went out to eat at "Seven Moons"...yummy Asian cuisine. Brother Bill always orders plenty to be sure that no one leaves hungry. I have never seen so much food at one restaurant table in my life.

Upon returning to the motor home we rested and got in touch with our moms. We are so blessed to have godly moms who have loved us and love the Lord. We love you both very much.

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