Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday Night, Session 2

Wednesdays are eventful  with our missionaries, culminating with a meal and Wednesday night service. Tommy looks over his notes while waiting for dinner to be served...
after dinner the fellowship begins and the Scrabble boards come out. Liz and Carol are faithful competitors,

as well as Corinne and Phillip

 Phillip became my buddy, greeting me at every service. He belongs to Tabitha and Luke.

I caught Christy by surprise while she was rehearsing with the Praise Team.

I love the spontaneous fellowship, comraderie and families of this precious church. They were such a blessing to us!
Anna Gedeon and Nora Crain

Anna Gedeon

Luke Gedeon is the designated vacuum cleaner operator..does a great job!

Serious Scrabble Game

The kids love to play outside before church.

Nora Crain

Anna Gedeon and Nora Crain

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